All you need to know about Todd Stashwick’s presence at Comic Con Portugal 2019
| 13 Set, 2019


[If you want to read this article in portuguese click here.]

Todd Stashwick, known for his roles on Syfy’s 12 Monkeys and The CW’s The Originals, was present at Comic Con Portugal 2019, on September 12th and 13th, where he talked with his fans in two panels, signed autographs and spoke to the press.

Press conference:

With a nice spirit that seems to characterize him, Todd Stashwick started the press conference by answering questions related to his role on the sci-fi series 12 Monkeys. He said that it was an interesting experience, because his character, Deacon, was supposed to be part of only four episodes. However, the creators of the show realized there was potential in this villain and Stashwick was promoted to regular on season 2. From there on, Deacon went through an arc of redemption until he became the hero. The actor mentioned the fight scenes and how he did a lot of them himself, especially if they were close-ups, and also that he had no problem if a stunt double did them. One of the biggest challenges of filming this show was having to change his body so that it looked like Deacon actually went through nine months in prison. In between laughs, Stashwick recalls that he couldn’t eat pizza or drink wine for five months and how that was a bit hard for him.

Regarding his appearance on The Originals, we had the opportunity to ask him if he felt the pressure of being part of a tv show that was a spin-off of another one which was so successful and that had such a solid fanbase (The Vampire Diaries). For Todd there was no pressure at all, but he says that for Joseph Morgan (Klaus) and Daniel Gillies (Elijah) it probably was a big responsibility given the fact that they transitioned from the original series to the spin-off. The actor also talked a bit about an episode of Supernatural he was on (04×05 – Monster Movie), saying how amazing it was to do something on a small studio for a week that then goes out to the public and has an impact on people all over the world. For him, that is the responsibility and pressure of his profession: being part of something that resonates so much with the audience. “We love what we do as much as the fans”, said the actor.

On the topic of Todd having played a lot of villains, he joked, saying that it’s easy for him to go home without killing everyone he sees. On a more serious tone, he added that he can disconnect himself from the roles in-between jobs, whether they’re villains or not. After all, “villains don’t see themselves as villains, but as the heroes of their own story” and given the fact that some time goes by between one role and another, he can turn that character off. Unless there are physical consequences like, for example, the time when, during a scene from his new movie with Olivia Munn, Violet, he had to scream so loud he lost his voice for three days.

Lastly, Stashwick mentioned that he’s a huge geek and loves these types of events like Comic Con, where he loves to buy new toys. Todd came out as an extremely nice person, who loves what he does and has a quick and genuine smile on his face.

We also had the chance to interview the actor. Below, you can watch our conversation, that began with a question about what was like to sing in 12 Monkeys and how that moment came to be.



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